Wednesday 23 April 2014

A random NKAY memoir!!!

Do you wanna know who's Nkosana Edward Mdhluli ka'Nkosi....I'm asking YOU?!!!
Well do you?

This person who goes by the name Nkosana Edward Mdhluli ka'Nkosi is one weird individual. I mean, he has too many nicknames. Some call him BB...while others call him Roxy (that's his feminine alter ego who's was born from a drama production or you could say its his drag persona)...and some know him as Nkay.
Well this very weird individual is moi!!!

Yes I'm weird and that makes me unique and hella SPECIAL!!!

Though this ain't much of a memoir about me...more is yet to come. So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride cause it's gonna be BUMPPPPYYYYY!!!!

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